
Export in over 20 countries

We export in over 20 countries. One third of the total sales are attributed to export. Italy, Hungary, Russia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Bosnia, Sweden, Serbia, Denmark, Bulgaria, South Korea, China and many more are among our sales territories.

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Non-alcoholic Egger Zisch gets "double gold"
Non-alcoholic Egger Zisch gets "double gold"

Non-alcoholic Egger Zisch gets "double gold"

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Gulfood fair in Dubai for the first time
Gulfood fair in Dubai for the first time

Gulfood fair in Dubai for the first time

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v.l.n.r. Karlheinz Wasserbacher, Sabine Tauböck, Margareta Seiser, Alexander Zoubek (c Division4 Ingo Folie)
Granny’s budget goes to DIVISION 4

Granny’s budget goes to DIVISION 4

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v.l.n.r.: Markus Amann, designierter Geschäftsführer der Arche Noah; Margareta Seiser, Initiatorin der Partnerschaft und Leitung Marketing & PR Egger Getränke; Obstexperte und stellvertretender Geschäftsführer der Arche Noah DI Bernd Kajtna; Bernhard Prosser, Geschäftsführer für Verkauf und Marketing Egger Getränke
Granny’s donates 50,000 euros to ARCHE NOAH

Granny’s donates 50,000 euros to ARCHE NOAH

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