
New appearance as Egger Getränke

With joint strength fit for the future

From May 1, 2017, we will bundle our forces as Egger Getränke GmbH & Co OG and prepare ourselves for the future. The renaming of Egger Getränke as well as the new organizational structures form the basis for a more effective and flexible approach to your requirements.

Our new appearance with the new company logo conveys attention, attractive and differentiated:

  • our business purpose through the stylized bottle,
  • our main business areas "strong brands", "contract filling" and "private labels" as well as
  • the Austrian roots by the red-white-red color.

We have state-of-the-art technology, innovative products, expert knowledge and a willingness to perform and are therefore your competent beverage partner.

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Winners of Egger Grill Promotion 2017
Winners of Egger Grill Promotion 2017

Winners of Egger Grill Promotion 2017

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Press conference - "Zum Wohl - der Natur!"
Press conference - "Zum Wohl - der Natur!"

Press conference - "Zum Wohl - der Natur!"

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v.l.n.r.: Franz Stummer, Gastronomie/Verkaufsleiter Österreich Privatbrauerei Egger Bernhard Prosser, Geschäftsführer Marketing und Vertrieb bei Egger Thomas Panholzer, Geschäftsführer Transgourmet Österreich Gerald Santer, Geschäftsfeldleitung TRINKWERK
Transgourmet and Egger private brewery expand cooperation

Transgourmet and Egger private brewery expand cooperation

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Export in over 20 countries
Export in over 20 countries

Export in over 20 countries

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Just write to us. We are gladly available
for questions and suggestions.