
Winners of Egger Grill Promotion 2017

The private brewery Egger "brings together what belongs together": Beer is the perfect drink partner for grilled food. The private brewery Egger has a special value for Egger beer fans: between 17 July and 31 August buyers of any Egger Multipack in form of a beer crate or a 24 can pack get a  € 50 value voucher for a grill seminar with double world champion Adi Matzek.

In addition, a barbecue party with Adi Matzek and the Egger truck as well as 7 mobile grillers of the brand NAPOLEON can be won.

The winner of the barbecue party with Adi Matzek and the Egger truck is Caroline Trischler.

7 mobile grillers of the brand NAPOLEON and an Egger Grill Package have been won by:
Hubert Lehner
Stefan Galtberger
Johannes Leitner
Bettina Schendl
Harald Rudigier
Philipp Rudelstorfer
Wolfgang Redl

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v.l.n.r.: Franz Stummer, Gastronomie/Verkaufsleiter Österreich Privatbrauerei Egger Bernhard Prosser, Geschäftsführer Marketing und Vertrieb bei Egger Thomas Panholzer, Geschäftsführer Transgourmet Österreich Gerald Santer, Geschäftsfeldleitung TRINKWERK
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