
Non-alcoholic Egger Zisch gets "double gold"

  • "Champions League for Food": DLG award for Egger
  • New container and packaging units for LEH and gastronomy in response to the strong demand

Egger private brewery can once again be pleased about awards from the German Agricultural Society DLG. The non-alcoholic Egger Zisch was "gold plated" twice in the strict beer test: The Egger Zisch in the 0.5-liter can as well as the naturally cloudy version in the 0.5-liter reusable bottle convinced the jury with its exceptional quality and excellence - and this again!

Bernhard Prosser, Managing Director for Marketing and Sales at Egger, sees the awards as confirmation of the consistent efforts for quality and innovation: "DLG is clearly the Champions League for food. Especially for the booming export business at Egger, these awards are "immensely important", as customers from abroad "attach great importance to objective proof of quality".

New containers and packaging units for food retail and gastronomy

According to ACNielsen, Egger Zisch grew four times stronger in the LEH market than the rest of the market in this segment. The private brewery Egger reacts to the strong demand with new packaging units: Thus starting to the "beer main season" with May both in the food retail trade and in the catering trade Egger Zisch in the slim 0.33 liter bottle is offered, in the LEH there is supplementing in addition the practical 4er luggage from 0.5 liter doses.

Testimonials ensure brand awareness: Olympic bronze for Landertinger

Since 2015 and 2016 respectively, Egger has been supporting the two top biathletes Dominik Landertinger and Lisa Hauser. The two have contributed to making the Egger Bier brand even better known in sports circles. Especially the alcohol-free, isotonic product Egger Zisch is the optimal thirst quencher "with added value" for athletes. The Tiroler Biathlet Landertinger got bronze in the 20-km-Einzelbewerb on Thursday in Pyeongchang.

To the award:

The German Agricultural Society is considered the European leader in quality assessment. The "DLG-awarded" distinction is awarded to food products that meet the strict quality criteria of the DLG. This includes a careful selection of raw materials as well as optimal processing and preparation.

Further inquiry note:
Egger Getränke GmbH & Co OG
Mag. Margareta Seiser
Head of Marketing & PR Tel: 050/300-16882

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v.l.n.r.: Markus Amann, designierter Geschäftsführer der Arche Noah; Margareta Seiser, Initiatorin der Partnerschaft und Leitung Marketing & PR Egger Getränke; Obstexperte und stellvertretender Geschäftsführer der Arche Noah DI Bernd Kajtna; Bernhard Prosser, Geschäftsführer für Verkauf und Marketing Egger Getränke
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