
Press conference - "Zum Wohl - der Natur!"

On October 24, 2017, the long-term future partnership between Granny's and Arche Noah under the motto "Zum Wohl - der Natur!" (meaning: to the best of nature) was presented to the public. The basis of this cooperation is a common vision, namely the protection of natural diversity. We want to help ensure that our nature is preserved in its variety of species -  with its many valuable flavors.

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v.l.n.r.: Franz Stummer, Gastronomie/Verkaufsleiter Österreich Privatbrauerei Egger Bernhard Prosser, Geschäftsführer Marketing und Vertrieb bei Egger Thomas Panholzer, Geschäftsführer Transgourmet Österreich Gerald Santer, Geschäftsfeldleitung TRINKWERK
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