
Egger Getränke exposes more than a thousand brown trout in Mühlbach

• Restocking measures already started in June
• The ecological balance is restored
• Fortunately, there was no lasting damage

After the unfortunate industrial accident at Egger Getränke, in which sewage was accidentally discharged into the nearby Mühlbach, the new fish stocking is now being carried out: several thousand brown and rainbow trout were released at the beginning of June, today more than a thousand brown trout of various sizes and ages were brought in used in various positions in the Mühlbach. Bernhard Prosser, Managing Director of Egger Getränke, knows about the importance of the stocking measure: "It helps to restore the fish population typical of the water and the ecological balance."

Johann Haimel from the Haimel fish farm in Traismauer, delivers the stocked fish and explains: “In spring 2019, further, final stocking measures will be carried out.” So-called by-fish migrate from the Traisen into the works canal by themselves. “That corresponds to the situation before the accident at work,” says Prosser with relief.

Experts defined measures
In cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and two court sworn experts, a detailed damage assessment and assessment of the Mühlbach was carried out.

To assess the balance of the Mühlbach, the condition of the microorganisms in the affected Werksbach was examined. They are essential because they are the fish's source of food. Just three weeks after the accident, after extensive investigations, water experts came to the conclusion that fortunately there was no damage here and that the available food for fish and other aquatic species is sufficient . Aquatic plants were also not damaged and were always available in sufficient numbers. This made it clear that the Mühlbach could be populated again immediately.

Those authorized to practice fishing then prepared an expert opinion on how many fish and which fish species must be released again in order to ensure the build-up of a fish population that is as typical as possible of the water body.

Egger Getränke implements extensive measures in production
"As promised, we analyzed the incident in our company in detail and took extensive measures so that something like this could never happen again," says Bernhard Prosser. Specifically, the sequence of maintenance work - which led to the industrial accident - has been fundamentally changed and the employees have been specially trained and retrained. In addition, structural measures were carried out in the area of ​​the ammonia cooling system, which made such an incident technically impossible.

Inquiry note:
Martina Macho PR
Martina Macho
Tel: 0664/396 90 58

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