
Private brewery Egger invites you to the "Egger Grill Spirit Festival"

  • Horn is the "Mecca of barbecue fans" on May 3rd and 4th
  • Thousands of barbecue enthusiasts are expected at the 21st Austrian barbecue championship
  • Every barbecue is perfect – with the right beer
  • „From the region for the region“

The Egger private brewery from St. Pölten-Unterradlberg in Lower Austria stands for down-to-earth beers that are brewed with a lot of tradition and passion. It goes without saying that these beer specialties are the perfect partners for one of the largest barbecue events in the country: For the third time in a row, the traditional brewery is supporting the Egger Grill Spirit Festival as main sponsor and name partner, this year on May 3rd and 4th at the Horner Festwiese takes place. Thousands of barbecue enthusiasts are expected. The event initiated by the ABA - Austrian Barbecue Association - is aimed at both professionals and amateurs. Special highlight: The event is also the venue for the official 21st Austrian State BBQ Championships! This state championship is probably the only one where beer is part and parcel of almost all teams and, above all, allowed.

Start of the barbecue season: Two out of three Austrians grill

The barbecue season is just around the corner - and with that the Egger private brewery is starting the next round of its beer and barbecuing initiative. “Every barbecue - regardless of whether meat, fish or vegetables end up on the grill - is perfect when a good beer is served with it. That is why barbecuing and Egger beer are inseparable,” says Martin N. Eicher, Marketing Manager at the Egger private brewery. Double grill world champion and initiator of the event, Adi Matzek - who also serves Egger beer in his popular grill school - adds: “A perfect BBQ needs a really good beer. We are pleased about the long-standing, good partnership with the private brewery Egger, as it is not only an important Lower Austrian brewery, but above all shares the passion for barbecuing with us."

Barbecue + beer = the ideal scenario for most Austrians

If you ask Austrians about occasions when they like to enjoy beer, “when grilling” clearly leads the ranking. For a proud 60 percent, barbecuing is the perfect occasion* for a refreshing beer enjoyment!

About the event

  • Egger Grill Spirit Festival: 3rd and 4th May at the Horner Festwiese
  • Friday, May 3rd, 4:00 pm, followed by the "Austrian Ripperl" and "Dutch oven" competition
  • Saturday, May 4th: 50 grill teams compete for the title of state grill champion
  • Large grill village “This is how Lower Austria tastes” 11 am-5pm
  • Barbecue shows and numerous free grilled food samples
  • Tips and tricks for barbecue fans

*Source:; N = 728 Austrians, who drink beer between the ages of 18 and 69, survey time January 2019

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