
Revolution in the beverage shelf: Radlberger LIMÖ in the reusable glass bottle: Less sugar, more fruit juice and better for the environment


  • "Environmental protection can taste so good"
  • Full, fruity lemonade taste
  • Neutral reusable crate "I like to carry - for the sake of the environment"

The traditional Austrian brand Radlberger is breaking new ground and announcing "a revolution on the lemonade shelf": For the first time ever, a lemonade in modern, environmentally friendly glass reusable containers is being offered in food retailers across Austria under the striking name LIMÖ. From spring 2020, Radlberger will be sold in the storage area exclusively in 1-liter returnable glass bottles, the previous 1.5-liter PET container will no longer be produced. This consistent step is the first in Austria and underlines the pioneering power and conviction of the company. Radlberger's goal is to create a national reusable offer for consumers in the lemonade market - so far this has been limited primarily to beer and mineral water.

The Radlberger LIMÖ bottles will be available in a sustainable box of 6 with a practical central handle. The special thing about it: By deliberately avoiding branding, the box can also be used for other brands. The box bears the self-confident label “I like to carry - for the sake of the environment” and the reusable WKO logo. The reusable crate is also available for the contract filling and private label divisions.

Martin Forster, Managing Director of Egger Getränke, on the motivation: “With the neutral box of 6, we are reducing the space requirements in the warehouse and the complexity for retailers. And we increase sustainability because we only use a single container across all brands. We want to make it as easy as possible for retailers and consumers. ”In total, Egger Getränke is investing more than 25 million euros in a new glass filling system and the container pool.

Pioneer in products and packaging

Egger Getränke has always been a pioneer when it comes to product and packaging development. The company has been producing climate-neutrally since 2017 and wants to make an important contribution to climate protection by expanding the range of reusable glass. The leading environmental organization Greenpeace expressly welcomes Radlberger's commitment: “Climate protection requires entrepreneurial rethinking and action. With the introduction of the reusable LIMÖ, Egger Getränke is a pioneer on the Austrian market for environment and climate protection: Reusable glass is the best and most environmentally friendly solution to the plastic crisis ”, says Alexander Egit, Managing Director of Greenpeace. Currently, the supply of returnable bottles for lemonades is negligible, as the Greenpeace market check in November showed. And that although around 80 percent of Austrians would like more returnable bottles on the drinks shelf, as a recent representative survey on behalf of Greenpeace showed. “With the market launch of Radlberger-LIMÖ, Egger also hits a nerve with Austrians - they want more reusable items,” says Egit.

Martin Forster is proud: “Radlberger has always been innovative: 30 years ago with the introduction of PET and today with reusable glass. We want to offer consumers a lemonade that is cutting edge - and it belongs in a glass. This is how summer works today! ", Says Forster, based on the legendary Radlberger advertising slogan that has made it into widespread usage. Once again, the company recognizes an important trend at an early stage, which it is serving with the new variety of containers.

More fruit, less sugar

The new container strategy is part of a comprehensive brand relaunch. Radlberger becomes Radlberger LIMÖ - the Ö stands for Austria. Radlberger LIMÖ is available in three different flavors on the domestic market.In addition to the well-known orange and lemon varieties, the Austrian classic raspberry is also being offered in a contemporary recipe for the first time: the fruit juice content has been increased in all three flavors and up to 30 percent sugar is saved.

“That guarantees a full, fruity lemonade taste. The use of artificial sweeteners was out of the question for us - both for reasons of taste and to protect naturalness, ”says Forster. The consumer tests that have already been carried out confirm the high taste acceptance of Radlberger LIMÖ.

This also refreshes the environment: First lemonade in glass bottles available throughout Austria 
The first Radlberger LIMÖs will be delivered from February - negotiations are currently underway where exactly the products will be available. The current market check by Greenpeace speaks a clear language here: There is no nationwide range of lemonades in reusable glass containers, but - according to Greenpeace Austria - "urgently needed and also in demand by consumers." The market launch will be accompanied by a large-scale, Austria-wide Introductory campaign to make the new lemonade range known quickly and widely and to encourage consumers to try it out.

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v.l.n.r.: Bernd Kajtna, Geschäftsführer der Arche Noah; Christoph Mayer, Vorstandsmitglied und Kassier Arche Noah und selbst Streuobstverarbeiter; Frank van der Heijden, Geschäftsführer Verkauf und Marketing Egger Getränke und Katrin Afflenzer, Brand Managerin Granny´s bei der Scheckübergabe
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