News about
Egger Getränke
Egger Getränke



Welcome to our News section! Here, we keep you updated on the latest developments, exciting events, and important milestones at Egger Beverages. Learn all about our recent projects, product innovations, and events. Stay informed about the trends and changes in the beverage industry that we are helping to shape. Dive into the world of Egger Beverages and discover what we've been up to lately.

Gulfood fair in Dubai for the first time
Gulfood fair in Dubai for the first time

Gulfood fair in Dubai for the first time

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Non-alcoholic Egger Zisch gets "double gold"
Non-alcoholic Egger Zisch gets "double gold"

Non-alcoholic Egger Zisch gets "double gold"

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Export in over 20 countries
Export in over 20 countries

Export in over 20 countries

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v.l.n.r.: Franz Stummer, Gastronomie/Verkaufsleiter Österreich Privatbrauerei Egger Bernhard Prosser, Geschäftsführer Marketing und Vertrieb bei Egger Thomas Panholzer, Geschäftsführer Transgourmet Österreich Gerald Santer, Geschäftsfeldleitung TRINKWERK
Transgourmet and Egger private brewery expand cooperation

Transgourmet and Egger private brewery expand cooperation

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