News about
Egger Getränke

v.l.n.r.: Bernd Kajtna, Geschäftsführer der Arche Noah; Christoph Mayer, Vorstandsmitglied und Kassier Arche Noah und selbst Streuobstverarbeiter; Frank van der Heijden, Geschäftsführer Verkauf und Marketing Egger Getränke und Katrin Afflenzer, Brand Managerin Granny´s bei der Scheckübergabe

Granny’s donates 50,000 euros to Arche Noah

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Setting the future course: Egger Getränke invests 25 million euros in a new filling plant for glass bottles

Setting the future course: Egger Getränke invests 25 million euros in a new filling plant for glass bottles

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Revolution in the beverage shelf: Radlberger LIMÖ in the reusable glass bottle: Less sugar, more fruit juice and better for the environment

Revolution in the beverage shelf: Radlberger LIMÖ in the reusable glass bottle: Less sugar, more fruit juice and better for the environment

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New addition to the management floor: Frank van der Heijden becomes Managing Director Sales and Marketing at Egger Getränke

New addition to the management floor: Frank van der Heijden becomes Managing Director Sales and Marketing at Egger Getränke

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